Продукция BioSteel Sports™ разрабатывалась, чтобы удовлетворять требованиям величайших в мире спортсменов. Она использовалась профессионалами и олимпийцами с 2004 года, но до 2009 года не предназначалась для перепродажи.
Мы в BioSteel гордимся тем, что выпускаем самую безопасную и полезную систему спортивного питания на рынке и полны решимости помочь всем стремящимся к высокорезультативному образу жизни.
Содержание биологически активных веществ в 1 порции (6,25 г) продукта: витамин В1, мг - 0,25;витамин В2 - 0,25 мг; витамин В6 - 0,25 мг; витамин В12 - 0,23 мкг; натрий - 78,5 мг; L- лейцин, мг - 985, L- изолейцин, мг - 612; глицин, мг - 631; 8, таурин, мг - 257; L-глутамин, мг - 835; L- валин, мг - 522;
Токсические элементы, мг/кг, не более: свинец-5,0, мышьяк-3,0, кадмий-1,0, ртуть-1,0
Микробиологические показатели, КОЕ/см.куб не менее:
КМАФАнМ, КОЕ/г, не более 50000
БГКП в 0,1 г: не допускается
Патогенные микроорганизмы, в т.ч. сальмонеллы в 10,0 г: не допускается
дрожжи и плесени, КОЕ/г, не более: 100
Пищевая ценность 1 порции (72 г) продукта: белок 24г, углеводы - 36,5 г., в том числе сахара - 10 г., жиры - 2,5 г.
Содержание биологически активных веществ в 1 порции (72 г) продукта: лейцин 1,5 мг; глутамин - 2,5 мг; глицин - 1,5 мг; фосфатидилсерин - 1,0 г; натрий - 643 мкг; кальций мг - 783, железо, мг - 1;
Токсические элементы, мг/кг, не более: свинец-0,3; мышьяк-1,0; кадмий-0,2; ртуть-0,03
меламин не допускается (<1мг/кг)
Микотоксины мг/кг не более афлатоксин М1: 0,0005
Пестициды в пересчете на жир мг/кг не более: ГХЦГ изомеры 1,25; ДДТ и его метаболиты 1,0
Микробиологические показатели, КОЕ/см.куб не менее:
КМАФАнМ, КОЕ/г, не более 50000
БГКП в 1 г: не допускается
Патогенные микроорганизмы, в т.ч. сальмонеллы в 25,0 г: не допускается
s.aureus в 0,1 г: не допускаются
Premium ingredients, product transparency, functionality first, and a certainty that there is always a better way are the four beliefs that drove the birth of BioSteel. These are the values that continue to drive our unwavering dedication to bringing quality nutritional products to locker rooms and households globally, and empowering people to live a performance lifestyle.
BioSteel is leading the wave of healthy sports drinks in the market. We are not just talking about a ‘better for you’ product, but rather one that redefines sports drinks. BioSteel sports drink replenishes electrolytes to provide optimal hydration and sustained energy, while reducing muscular and mental fatigue, all without the use of any sugar, caffeine, or stimulants. With no artificial flavours or colours, BioSteel is unmatched in the market and is proud to be raising the bar on consumer expectations of sports drinks. But, it doesn’t end there - BioSteel is setting new consumer expectations when it comes to other nutritional products like proteins and snacks.
Unlike many brands, the birth of BioSteel was not based off the common business principle of sales, costs and profits, but rather out of necessity for functionally superior products. Noticing his athletes were consuming products littered with stimulants like sugar and caffeine prior to and during games and practices, Matt Nichol – Decorated Strength and Conditioning Coach – knew there needed to be a better way. He leveraged his education and experience in kinesiology and product development to take matters into his own hands.
With a focus on sourcing only the highest quality of ingredients, he went forward and created a stimulant and preservative free sports drink optimal for hydration and recovery. After countless hours of analyzing the performance measures of top athletes and making tweaks, he locked onto an unnamed caffeine free, preservative free and sugar free pink sports drink (from beet root powder) that he would provide to his athletes.
As the athletes Matt Nichol trained in the off season went back to their respective teams, they would rave about Matt Nichol’s ‘pink drink’ to their teammates. These conversations sparked demand amongst professional athletes, strength coaches, and health, fitness, and nutrition experts. Since the product was never produced for resale, Matt Nichol teamed up with like-minded business partners who collectively put production in place. From this, ‘BioSteel’ was born! BioSteel has since used the same principles behind the creation and success of the sports drink to develop a line of proteins and snacks made with quality ingredients fit for peak performers and fitness / sports enthusiasts.
Today, BioSteel is one of the most trusted brands in both locker rooms and households. Having the support of some of the top athletes in the world, including Andrew Wiggins (Minnesota Timberwolves), Brooke Henderson (Golf), Connor McDavid (Edmonton Oilers), Ezekiel Elliot (Dallas Cowboys), Marcus Stroman (Blue Jays), Sean Lee (Dallas Cowboys), and Tyler Seguin (Dallas Stars), and becoming the Official Sports Drink of the Toronto Raptors, BioSteel looks to become consumers’ natural nutritional choice and empower performance lifestyles.
If it is not certified by NSF or Informed-Choice do not trust it! The use of nutritional supplements by competitive athletes and fitness enthusiasts alike have many nutritional supplement companies making claims about their products, but how many of them can actually back them up?
If you are a drug tested athlete the choice is simple, you should only choose products that are certified to be free of any banned substances by an accredited independent third party company that tests each batch of product produced, that uses ISO 17025 and/or NSF/ANSI Standard 173, and has a proven track record of success with professional and Olympic sport governing bodies.
For over 65 years NSF has been providing independent third party certification for food, water, and consumer goods.
The NSF Certified for Sport® program is used by the NFL, MLB, LPGA, PGA, NHL and CCES to help ensure the supplements their athletes use are free of prohibited/banned substances.
From approval of raw materials, formulation review, and rigorous testing of final products, NSF is there through every step of the production process to ensure that the supplements you are consuming are safe and contain exactly what’s listed on the label.
www.nsf.orgIn 2007 the Informed-Choice program was established by HFL Sports Science, one of the world’s leading independent third party doping control laboratories that has been undertaking drug testing for sports since 1963. Informed Choice tests for prohibited substances in supplements it certifies using WADA/IOC (International Olympic Committee) standards, confirming that the supplement companies they certify adhere to the highest quality assurance systems and are using manufacturers that follow the highest manufacturing standards.
All testing for Informed Choice products is done at HFL labs which is an ISO 17025 accredited lab. ISO 17025 accreditation guarantees that if contamination exists above the defined limit of detection then it will be identified and called “positive”.
Supplementation, whether for high performance or recreational athletes, is an important decision that should be given careful consideration.
BioSteel is but one of many high performance supplements on the market today, however what sets BioSteel apart from its competitors is our commitment to providing an evidence-based product that does not contain preservatives, additives or unnatural colouring.
In fact, our commitment to excellence also extends into exercise science research.
As such we are currently conducting authentic third-party research that is co-funded by the Canadian Governments Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC).
Henry Quach2, Ajay Rampersad1, Sandeep Soroya2, Sarah Schweter2, Stephanie Corea2, and Mojgan Rezvani1-2
Humber College, Fitness & Health Promotion & School of Health Sciences, University of Guelph Humber, Department of Kinesiology, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Consumption of sugar-containing sports drinks has been associated with gastrointestinal discomfort, hypoglycemia, and type II diabetes. This study investigated the effect of BioSteel High Performance Sports Drink (HPSD), a sugar free blend of branched chain amino acids and electrolytes, on power output capacity.
A double blind cross over study was designed to carry out a modified Wingate Anaerobic Test (mWAnT) (4 bouts of 10sec loaded all out cycling followed by 20sec recovery per bout). Subjects (n=6, age 21±2.3 years, height 175.4±7.4cm, weight 79.2±14.6Kg) performed six mWAnT separately 48hrs apart [3 trials per treatment (E:5.0g/250ml HPSD or W:250ml distilled water)]. Drinks were provided 30min premWAnT. Changes in blood markers (Glucose, Ketone, Lactate, and Creatinine ) were analyzed pre- and post-mWAnT.
Mean and peak power were shown to be significantly higher (p ≤ 0.05) in experimental group (E:6.19 ± 0.30 W/Kg, W:5.66 ± 0.26 W/Kg; E:9.99 ± 1.13 W/Kg, W:7.52 ± 0.56 W/Kg, respectively) in 3rd bout of mWAnT. Minimum power was significantly maintained higher (p ≤ 0.05) in bout 4 for experimental group (E:4.11 ± 0.29 W/Kg, W:3.88 ± 0.28 W/Kg). Power drop and fatigue index were significantly higher (p ≤ 0.05) in experimental group (E:5.23 ± 1.11 W/Kg, W:2.94 ± 0.43 W/Kg; E:46.95 ± 5.28%, W: 36.75 ± 2.77%, respectively) in 3rd bout. Lactate production was significantly higher in experimental group (E:10.96 ± 0.22 mmol/L, W:9.66 ± 0.69 mmol/L).
Data suggests carbohydrate free BioSteel HPSD enhances performance through a higher peak power production and delaying fatigue. BioSteel HPSD does not affect the efficiency of alactic system (ATPPC), limited energy stores for first 10sec of skeletal muscle contractions. The enhancing effect of BioSteel HPSD may be attributed to a more efficient use of lactic anaerobic energy system (anaerobic glycolysis) allowing continuation of muscular power production for a maximum of 2min.